We Are A Digital Business Consultants

Builds Something Extraordinary Creates Adorable Designs Codes Incredible Engines Compiles Intelligent Advertising Campaigns Builds Something Extraordinary

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Our Clients

Jakarta Matador FC
Litbang ESDM
Hads Partnership
Salam Tour
PT Garuda Angkasa Mandiri
ABM Enterprise
Amadea Tour
Central Rumah
Top Skor
Badan Karantina Pertanian - Tanjung Periok
Volare - Casual Wear
ABM Entertainment
Yasmin Hotels
Jakarta Eye Wear
Pertamina EP Cepu

What We Can Do For You?

Serve with quick response, Warm-hearted and dedication that can be believed and continue to innovate to Achieve Success for our clients

Website Custom

We do not just create a website according to your wishes, but we also provide input to each of our clients to get the maximum results in the online world. We woke up with the latest technology will be, both from a technical and design, and was made by experienced technicians and competent in their fields.

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Mobile Apps

We built an app aims to help every client Us with the needs and desires. Made with the latest technology and design features to be easily accessed and used anytime and anywhere.

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Digital Marketing

We are Digital Marketing help increase brand awareness and online sales, as well as introducing your website to everyone and reach out to a wider market network.

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What They Say?

They Give the Testimony to Us For Great Our Work

  • VILLAGEHOSTER membuat dimensi berbeda sebagai web developer yang saya kira sangat mukthir sekarang ini. VILLAGEHOSTER menyediakan apa yang anda butuhkan sebagai media online.

    Bung Yuke Topskor.com
  • Kepada masyarakat pilihlah VILLAGEHOSTER sebagai mitra media online. kita harap dukungan - dukungan agar perusahan - perusahaan yang dikomandani oleh anak bangsa anak - anak negri ini dapat terus berkembang memberikan kontribusi bagi kemajuan untuk indonesia yang lebih baik.

    Drs. Jusuf Rizal SE.M.Si LIRA
  • Pertama kali mulai bisnis ini sangat tidak percaya akan bertumbuh dan berkembang. VILLAGEHOSTER jawabannya mulai dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan target akhir yang dia berikan dan laksanakan di lapangan semua dengan target yang diinginkan.

    Erick rentcarbox.com
  • Pelayanannya cepat dan handal, designnya sangat elegant teamnya koperatif. Kami benar-benar PUAS!!!

    Muhammad Zein Burhan Gelora Garuda Indonesia, PT
  • Sudah beberapa kali bekerjasama dengan developer dan baru kali ini menemukan developer yang bisa memberikan apa yang kita mau.

    Mochtar Siahaan Octavia Media Massa, PT
Nayara Advocacy

Nayara Advocacy

Judical Institution

Web Developent, Web Design, Digital Marketing - 2015

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Viar Motor

Viar Motor

One of the largest motorcycle manufacturers in Indonesia

Web Design, Web Development - 2014

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Jakarta Eye Wear

Jakarta Eye Wear

Online Store Glasses No. 1 in Jakarta

Web Design, Web Development - 2014

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I Love Tanah Abang

I Love Tanah Abang

Big Marketplace Online of Tanah Abang, Jakarta

Website Design, Website Development - 2015

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ABM Motorsport

ABM Motorsport

ABM Motorsport is a combination of speed, adrenaline, entertainment, teamwork and dedicated crew

Web Design, Web Development - 2014

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Central Rumah

Central Rumah

Central Rumah memberikan solusi terbaik bagi Anda dalam menjual, membeli dan menyewa properti

Web Design, Web Developer - 2014

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Garuda  Angkasa  Mandiri

Garuda Angkasa Mandiri

organizers of special Hajj and Umrah

Web Developent, Web Design, Digital Marketing, Marketing Planner
- 2015

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Top Cars

Top Cars

Authorized dealers variety of premium vehicles such as Jeep, Dodge, Chrysler and other CBU cars

Web Development & Web Design - 2015

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View All Our Work


Penghargaan Indonesia Business Award Winner 2015-2016 kategori The Favorite Company “In Service Excellent 2015-2016′ .Berlangsung 4 Desember 2015 di Gran Melia Hotel, Jakarta merupakan penghargaan yang digagas Indonesia International Achievement Foundation.

Anugerah “INDONESIA BUSINESS QUALITY AWARD 2016 “ dipersembahkan kepada VILLAGE HOSTER dengan kategori “The Most Trusted Company In Digital Business Consultant Of The Year 2016“ sebagai bentuk pengakuan dari masyarakat atas kinerja, prestasi, dedikasi, kredibilitas dan kerja nyata.

Let's Making Something Great Together

We will continue to assist and be the best partner in your business

Tell Us What We Can Do For You

Tell Us What We Can Do For You

Give a thing, and the destination you want to give to us, we will answer it as soon as possible to You